Fairloc?Hub ANTI-Backlash Gears-120 Pitch S1A53A-F120A330

Brand detail

SDP/SI is a leading manufacturer of small mechanical components and assemblies, servicing a wide variety of industries such as Aerospace, Defense, Medical, as well as the Industrial Sector for over 65 years. Quotes, online orders, and 3D CAD Models are available on our updated estores for each of our brands. We offer over 100,000 power transmission components, including gears, belt and chain drives, shafts, shaft accessories, bearings, couplings, universal joints, vibration mounts, miscellaneous components, hardware, gearheads and speed reducers, right angle drives, brakes and clutches, motors and gearmotors. 2017, Designatronics and its three brands began operations in their new world-class facility designed to greatly improve efficiencies and lead times. The newly constructed 96,000 square foot facility easily meets current capacity requirements and gives the company ample room for growth.

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